On Saturday, April 27th, this years Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) took place. It’s been the 7th GAB and I attended for the 3rd time – and as part of my contribution to the community also did a talk on Azure…
On the other post I annouced the agenda for Global Azure Bootcamp in Berlin. Marcos Freccia (MVP Data platform) talked about Azure SQL database. Azure #sql Database by @marcosfreccia at #GlobalAzure #berlin pic.twitter.com/AHnTemQUiv — MartinG (@AtholyMardies) 21. April 2018 He…
As announced in my earlier post, this year I had a talk on database migration at PASS E.V.’s SQL Konferenz in Darmstadt, Germany. Here you find more details as well as my slide deck about my talk and related links.…