On last April, Rene de la motte and I had a nice Teams call about my talk on PowerShell User @AtholyMardies legt los mit OAuth2.0 und #PowerShell pic.twitter.com/6ydArdzK4X — Hamburg PowerShell User Group (@hhpsug) 31. Januar 2019 Group Hamburg and…
If you are interested in my deck, code snipplets and links for my talk on PowerShell, OAuth2 und Azure/Office 365 , please find the source code on https://github.com/MartinGudel/HHPSUG-20193101
Huh, at June 04th the 4th Meetup of the Office 365 User Group Hamburg happened. I’m still impressed by some of the attendees input and questions. But let me tell you about this times meetup first. Sharepoint modern site provisioning…
As some of you may know, I had a speaker slot at this months Azure Meetup in Hamburg about automatic deployment using ARM Tempalates and DSC. For those who are interested in the slided find it at this link. Vielen…
The problem. I’m sure you already know the dbatools published at https://dbatools.io/ ; after a great talk by Björn Peters I started playing around with that tools and they are really great to get your maintenance tasks done. While saying…
Note to myself: when you try to configure a system using DSC, do not forget to configure the Local Configuration Manager first! Today I caught myself in “troubleshooting” an issue with Desired State Configuration. The issue looked like that when…