When talking about automation, you sometimes really need to use scripts to run your tasks. This is why I started using PowerShell after the release of Exchange Server 2007. It must be a really great kind of technology if it…
On last April, Rene de la motte and I had a nice Teams call about my talk on PowerShell User @AtholyMardies legt los mit OAuth2.0 und #PowerShell pic.twitter.com/6ydArdzK4X — Hamburg PowerShell User Group (@hhpsug) 31. Januar 2019 Group Hamburg and…
On Saturday, April 27th, this years Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) took place. It’s been the 7th GAB and I attended for the 3rd time – and as part of my contribution to the community also did a talk on Azure…
During the last few weeks I received several questions about where I do my next talks on Microsoft Graph, PowerShell and Office 365. To prevent me from answering each and every single mail received, this article provides an overview about…
Office 365 User Group Hamburg It’s done – I just created the meetup for the Office 365 User Group Hamburg, set the date, did some intial setup and created the first Office 365 User Group Hamburg Meetup. As from the…
From your results on my survey I’d like to create a meetup on common topics about Office 365. The User Group Meeting will try to provide a general overview for you if you’re dealing with Office 365 applications, which from…
As some of you may know, I had a speaker slot at this months Azure Meetup in Hamburg about automatic deployment using ARM Tempalates and DSC. For those who are interested in the slided find it at this link. Vielen…