On the other post I annouced the agenda for Global Azure Bootcamp in Berlin. Marcos Freccia (MVP Data platform) talked about Azure SQL database. Azure #sql Database by @marcosfreccia at #GlobalAzure #berlin pic.twitter.com/AHnTemQUiv — MartinG (@AtholyMardies) 21. April 2018 He…
Category: Migration Tools
hints, tipps and tricks about migration tools, system migration, product depencendies for out own or 3rd party products
recently published: Global Azure Bootcamp Berlin 2018 Agenda
#sqlkonferenz – auf in die Cloud, Ihr Datenbanken
Office 365 User Group Hamburg #1 06/11/2017: Call for Speakers
migrate your Microsoft Teams data to another tenant
Did you ever think about how to move a team from your Office 365 Tenant to another Office 365 Tenant? As I’m working for an IT service company, this is a frequent request when a business unit is sold to another…